printmechanic » 23:27 - 14.03.07
Короче смотрите ТЭН:
##322 [TX/RX] Fixing heater temperature abnormality
Cause: Internal unit defect.
Solutions: (1) Check the connections between the fixing ass’y and the PCNT board (J2) and
between the fixing ass’y and the power supply unit (J102).
(2) Check the connection between the PCNT board (J403) and the power supply unit
(3) Check the resistance between connector pins of the fixing ass’y.
J203-12 and J203-13: 790 to 212 ký (at 10 ~ 35°C)
J102-1 and J102-2: 120.9 to 139.1 ý (at 25°C)
If either resistance is incorrect, replace the fixing ass’y.
(4) Check the voltage at J102 of the power supply unit (with the heater cable TB1
removed); if it is not the same as the AC input voltage, replace the power supply
(5) Replace the PCNT board.
(6) Replace the SCNT board.
Из мануала L-240/280
##322 [RX] Fixing heater temperature abnormality
Cause: Internal unit defect.
Solutions: (1) Check the connections between the fixing ass’y and the PCNT board (J102) and between the
fixing ass’y and the SCNT board (J14).
(2) Check the connection between the PCNT board (J1) and the power supply unit (J202).
(3) Check the resistance between connector pins of the fixing ass’y.
J206-12 and J206-13: 436 to 301 kΩ (at 25°C)
J102-1 and J102-2: 25.1 to 28.8 Ω (at 25°C)
If either resistance is incorrect, replace the fixing ass’y.
(4) Replace the PCNT board.
(5) Replace the power supply unit.
(6) Replace the SCNT board.